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Welcome to Stay Hidden!

Embark on a heart-pounding Asymmetrical Multiplayer experience with Stay Hidden, where tactical powers converge with intellect in a face-off between three Prey and a relentless Hunter. Set in a hauntingly atmospheric environment, players are sent into a game of strategy and evasion where the stakes are high.


The Hunter is approaching...

When playing as one of the Prey, you'll find yourself immersed in a distressing race against time. Scavenge for gears amidst the eerie backdrop of abandoned structures and forsaken landscapes, all while keeping your eyes peeled for the telltale signs of the Hunter's approach. But it's never just about gathering resources – it's about making split-second decisions that could make the difference between life and death.

They're running... stop them!

The Hunter stalks their Prey with a single-minded determination – to eliminate all Prey before they can escape. Utilizing distinctive skills and strategic maneuvers, the Hunter must do anything deemed necessary to hinder the Prey's progress. Remember, the Hunter will go to great lengths to hunt down their Prey.


The choice is yours...

Will you team up with your fellow Prey to outsmart the Hunter, or will you rely on your intelligence and ingenuity to eliminate all the Prey?Whatever path you choose, one thing is certain – in Stay Hidden, the hunt is on, and only the sharpest will come out victorious.

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